Privacy and Data Protection

Your privacy is very important to us. In this study, we will look at health information from many patients in different hospitals. However, we will make sure that no one can tell who you are from the information we use, that includes the members of the research team.

We will keep your personal details, like your name and address, separate from the rest of your health information, and destroy it. We will replace these details with a code in an irrevocable manner, so no one can connect you to the data we're studying. This process is called "anonymizing" the data.

When we talk about the results of our study, we won't share information about individual patients. We will only share general findings that can't be linked to any specific person.

All patients in the hospitals that are part of this study will have their information included by default. But if you don't want your information to be part of the study, that's okay. We respect your choice. If you want to opt out, click the link below: